Five Summer Themes for Influencer Content

  • Jul 19, 2022

Five Summer Themes for Influencer Content

You’re always hunting for content as an influencer, whether you’re traveling or going to events or not. Maybe you’re all about the collab, and you find yourself in more studios than you do new places. Fortunately, if you find your content a little lacking this summer season, you should try simply making content about the summer. Get out there, show off, and get people inspired to stay moving and maybe even to get a little healthier. Find a summer-themed focus, or even alternate your options, making each of your posts center on one fun summer thing to remind people that you’re out there, viable and vibrant.

Summer Vacation Spots

As an influencer, you can do your work from anywhere. Even if your thing isn’t necessarily travel, finding a new spot or spots to do your work in can refresh your brain, your brand and your content. Warm weather won’t just feel nice to you, but it will show in your content, and will inspire your followers to get out there. If you find a way to work with a few chambers of commerce, you’ll even find a way to make these all into full-on business trips.

Summer Foods

Italian ices, gelato, ice cream – ever had elotes (grilled Mexican street corn)? There are a ton of options for interesting, delicious, trend-worthy food, and having a snack as you explore the world around you looks casual and fun, and invites people in to what you’re doing with something we all love – food.

Summer Events

Whether it’s a concert, a convention or even a family reunion, finding something to show that you’re safely enjoying the summer with like-minded people can remind people of what they’re missing. Any audience will have people who can’t or shouldn’t get out for manifold reasons, so be sure to appreciate that and do it all safely (masked and distanced).

Featuring Exercise

Even simple walking is exercise, but finding a way to integrate your workout routine in your content is a pretty foolproof idea. Whether its swimming, weights, running, jumping rope, whatever, showing people your routine can inspire them, energize them, and engage them.

Summer Fashion

You may not be at the height of fashion, but here’s the fun thing – you’re an influencer. You can make fashion happen. Presenting your own idea of what summer fashion can be is just as exciting as showing people what’s trending. Do your thing and get people to follow.


Summer isn’t the only time you can use the weather to your advantage. Every season, every month, and just about every week has some association you can play with to pull content from. Even if you just look up a list of every single US holiday, you can find inspiration on a daily basis. There are a lot of interesting, unique and unusual things to discuss and celebrate. As long as you do it in a sensitive manner so as to not alienate your followers, you’ll be on the right path to finding that precious content.

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